How to Use Flat Cloth Diapers for Baby

Flat cloth diapers are the most affordable option for cloth diapering, less bulky than other options, easy to keep clean, and easy to stock up on!  

What is a Flat Diaper?

-a type of cloth diaper made from a single, large, rectangular or square piece of fabric – usually cotton or a blend of cotton and other fibers.

Why I Love & Exclusively Use Flat Diapers

-cheap -less bulky and has better fit -easier to keep clean and smelling good -can be reused for multiple babies

First, you will fold the flat to fit to baby’s shape using one of the various folds for flats. I personally prefer the Kite and Neat folds, both folds work great on any size baby.


If you’ll be starting with a rectangular flat (most newborn flats are rectangular) always fold one of the short sides over onto the flat to make a square before you begin your fold.


If you’re using a one size flat this will not be necessary since they are already in the shape of a square.


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